Geez. . .I must have fallen off the face of the earth! I no longer work, I'm hanging out all day, every day and spend a good portion of that time playing with metal, soder, enamel powders, glas clay, PMC, and all of the different types of things that you can really kick the bejesus out of. . . Yeah!! I have been a really busy lady as of late. There are things that led me to this point, not of my own choosing, but it is what it is. I was in a car accident on 3/14/2008 on my way home from work on a Friday evening that was going to alter my life. It did that and I will never be capable of going back to the pre accident days. Nowadays it is a question of how the ensuing metal plate holding up my neck along with a few screws decide to feel that day! I pray for peace daily for the body from within. The second surgery seems to have helped a lot, and the inevitable is here. There will be good days and then there will be better than good days!! I pray for either.
At the time I was making dolls, moving in to the future with dollmaking friends, and discovering new products and what we can do to implement them in our doll making. It was a fun and exciting time! Unforatunately with the accident came many unforscene can't do's. So, I had to give it up with the understanding that it was no longer physically possible and the old neck could not stay in the positions necessary to work and sculpt in. So, I phased my way out of the dolls and started taking classes in jewlrey (which I had already dabbled in) and started to take this more seriously as an outlet that was compatible to my new lifestyle. Here I am, over 4 years later and deeply immersed in metal and stones and shine, dirt, ageing and just plain out playing my way to perfection.
It's been rough at times and rewarding at others, while somedays I have felt defeated and other days on a natural high that this is possible to move forward simply just because I love it. Love it, love it, love it!!! It's just the journey. Let the games begin! ! !
"Birdie" A paperclay Giraffe doll
This is Birdie..a paperclay Giraffe girl....I cant tell weather she lis
more girl or more Giraffe. She has jointed arms, a soft bodysuit torso and
upper ...
11 years ago